Empowering You to Reclaim Your Health and Live the Full Life you Deserve!

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is an unfortunately common hormonal imbalance disorder.  I see clients all the time with this diagnosis.  It can impact fertility if not addressed properly and from a root cause prospective.  It is supposedly most common in women 20-30 yrs. old but I see many warning signs in girls as young as 12.

Symptoms include some or many of the following:

  1. Infrequent or absent periods
  2. Acne – face and upper back
  3. Cysts on ovaries
  4. Excess body hair – known as “hirsuitism”
  5. Mood swings
  6. Obesity – although I see many thin women with PCOS
  7. Potential Fertility challenges
  8. And more


Funny thing is though that while the name says “polyCYSTic Ovarian” – many women do not even have ovarian cysts!  When they are present, these cysts are not harmful in themselves and do not turn into cancer.

Standard conventional treatment is often specific hormonal birth control pills to attempt to “regulate” hormones.  But I hope y’all know that birth control pills do NOT “regulate” hormones.  They provide synthetic hormones to over-ride your own hormonal cues and try to manage symptoms often just causing more problems down the road. 



 PCOS is a hormonal disorder where a woman ends up making too many androgens (male hormones like testosterone and DHEA-S).  Also, there is most often a failure to ovulate monthly so menstrual cycles tend to run long and women describe “skipping a period”.  These aren’t actual “skipped periods” but a very long menstrual cycle.  Without ovulation (known as an anovulatory cycle) there isn’t appropriate signaling to start bleeding and shedding of the uterine lining therefore it can go on and on and on.

There is a STRONG link of PCOS to insulin resistance as well.  And boy, that is a real factor for many things today.  As a society we consume far too much sugar/glucose that the cells in the body shut the door to letting in more glucose.  Insulin is responsible for helping glucose get into the cells.  When the cells are inundated with sugar, the cell “door” won’t open for insulin anymore – insulin resistance.

Insulin resistance is responsible for so many bad things – but for our purposes today we will only discuss its relation to PCOS.

Conventional doctors will often use Metformin (a diabetic drug) to address insulin sensitivity and to help lower insulin.  But metformin does not come without challenges – namely digestive distress and inflammation.  Also, metformin use isn’t addressing WHY insulin is elevated in the first place!



As always my goal in working with women with PCOS is better understanding how their bodies USE their hormones.  Not just what base levels are.  And what I find is quite consistent.  Yes, there is usually an elevation of androgens like testosterone and DHEA-S BUT not always.  What I do find quite consistent is poor detoxification pathways in estrogen leaving behind high levels of 16-OH estrone – an estrogen metabolite that causes all sorts of problems.

I feel like I see more of a problem in the estrogen arena than the male hormone arena!  And I often see elevated C-Reactive Proteins indicating vascular inflammation.

So how do I help these women?

First off, consumption of a low carb diet isn’t always as beneficial as many think.  No one should be put on a specific diet because it “treats” a specific condition.  We are all individuals and not every woman with PCOS would benefit from a low carb diet.  As a matter of fact, SOMETIMES it can be detrimental to hormonal balance!  There is no one size fits all scenarios – EVER!

I always run a DUTCH Hormone Panel to better assess the hormonal imbalance that for certain exists in a woman with PCOS.  I also run a set of blood labs to assess for inflammation on different levels and a better picture of some hormone levels that test best in blood – like Prolactin, Luteinizing Hormone (LH) and Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH).

Once I see those results then I make recommendations based solely on those results.  There may be similarities between women with PCOS but there are no two women who’s labs are identical – therefore recommendations cannot be identical either!

Obviously, we must address insulin resistance which I feel may be the biggest contributing cause.  There are many herbs and lifestyle changes that can address this piece – but once again there is no one right way.

Getting estrogen balanced is key as well.  Certain nutrients/herbs are wonderful for helping to open liver detox pathways and make sure that estrogen is metabolized properly and safely.  Some of these nutrients I like to use are DIM (Di-indole-methane), Calcium-d-Glucarate, and Sulforaphane depending on the specific lab results.

Looking at adrenal/stress health is crucial as well because there is a significant interplay between the stress hormone cortisol and sex hormones – testosterone, DHEA-S, estrogen and progesterone.

And decreasing those androgens to help get issues like acne and hirsuitism under control.


Bottom line is to better understand what caused the PCOS in the first place – likely a cascade of insulin-resistance, genetics and lifestyle.  Since we can’t change genetics we can definitely work on the rest!:)


Here to help!

 Dr. K



For many years and counting – so many people are getting diagnosed with “Depression”.

I covered this before but thought it was worth bringing up again.  Not only are so many practitioners labeling their patients but so many patients are “owning” their diagnosis without question. 

I get it – they feel it gives them an “answer” to why they don’t feel “right”. 

But is it the “answer” for most?

I am in no way saying there aren’t those that are “depressed” but what I AM saying is that not ALL people who get diagnosed with depression are depressed in the classic sense.  But honestly “classic depression” has been found predominately to be a disorder based in gut and hormones imbalance.

About 2 years ago we learned though a meta-analysis research study that there was NO correlation with depression and low serotonin levels and that taking anti-depressants (SSRIs) actually made serotonin even lower – SEE HERE.

If you go to your conventional (or even holistic) practitioner and report feeling “blah” or have a lack of zest for life then it is likely that you will walk out with the diagnosis of depression and some pills. 

But if the practitioner took a moment to really listen to (and HEAR) what this person is saying you would hear that there’s so much more at play than a simplistic “depression” diagnosis.

So, we must dig deeper always!

One of the first things I ask my clients who say they have been diagnosed or think they are depressed:  How is your energy?

99.5% of them respond “horrible”.

Then I ask – “If your energy was good then would you still feel down or depressed?” And almost all said they wouldn’t.

So, what does that tell us?  The issue isn’t depression – the issue is fatigue – physical and/or mental.

The new focus then becomes addressing fatigue.

There is also the possibility of grief at play.  Some that are depressed are dealing with grief and too many practitioners put a timeframe on grief.  There should never be a timeframe on grief.  And this can be addressed through so many different types of modalities.

So overall I find most depression diagnoses to be yet another way to lump people together that might share a certain set of superficial symptoms which allows practitioners to quickly “prescribe something”.

Then where might this fatigue be coming from/WHY is it present?

Some places to look:

  1. Thyroid Imbalances
  2. Poor Nutrition
  3. Inflammation
  4. Gluten Intolerance
  5. Fighting Infection/Parasite/Lyme, etc.
  6. Cancer
  7. Adrenal Burnout/Stress
  8. Sex Hormone Imbalances
  9. Genetic mutations

In other words – demand that your practitioner look for a deeper cause instead of simply medicating you for “Depression” (convention or holistic).

If your practitioner won’t search beyond the diagnosis of depression, then find a new one that will!


Never Give Up!

Dr. K


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For many years and counting – so many people are getting diagnosed with “Depression”.

I covered this before but thought it was worth bringing up again.  Not only are so many practitioners labeling their patients but so many patients are “owning” their diagnosis without question. 

I get it – they feel it gives them an “answer” to why they don’t feel “right”. 

But is it the “answer” for most?

I am in no way saying there aren’t those that are “depressed” but what I AM saying is that not ALL people who get diagnosed with depression are depressed in the classic sense.  But honestly “classic depression” has been found predominately to be a disorder based in gut and hormones imbalance.

About 2 years ago we learned though a meta-analysis research study that there was NO correlation with depression and low serotonin levels and that taking anti-depressants (SSRIs) actually made serotonin even lower – SEE HERE.

If you go to your conventional (or even holistic) practitioner and report feeling “blah” or have a lack of zest for life then it is likely that you will walk out with the diagnosis of depression and some pills. 

But if the practitioner took a moment to really listen to (and HEAR) what this person is saying you would hear that there’s so much more at play than a simplistic “depression” diagnosis.

So, we must dig deeper always!

One of the first things I ask my clients who say they have been diagnosed or think they are depressed:  How is your energy?

99.5% of them respond “horrible”.

Then I ask – “If your energy was good then would you still feel down or depressed?” And almost all said they wouldn’t.

So, what does that tell us?  The issue isn’t depression – the issue is fatigue – physical and/or mental.

The new focus then becomes addressing fatigue.

There is also the possibility of grief at play.  Some that are depressed are dealing with grief and too many practitioners put a timeframe on grief.  There should never be a timeframe on grief.  And this can be addressed through so many different types of modalities.

So overall I find most depression diagnoses to be yet another way to lump people together that might share a certain set of superficial symptoms which allows practitioners to quickly “prescribe something”.

Then where might this fatigue be coming from/WHY is it present?

Some places to look:

  1. Thyroid Imbalances
  2. Poor Nutrition
  3. Inflammation
  4. Gluten Intolerance
  5. Fighting Infection/Parasite/Lyme, etc.
  6. Cancer
  7. Adrenal Burnout/Stress
  8. Sex Hormone Imbalances
  9. Genetic mutations

In other words – demand that your practitioner look for a deeper cause instead of simply medicating you for “Depression” (convention or holistic).

If your practitioner won’t search beyond the diagnosis of depression, then find a new one that will!


Never Give Up!

Dr. K


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