For many years and counting – so many people are getting diagnosed with “Depression”. I covered this before but thought it was worth bringing up again. Not only are so many practitioners labeling...
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Cholesterol – The Real Story
It’s interesting that no matter how “educated” and “informed” I find a client many still have a hang up about cholesterol levels – good or bad. I hear things like “I’m so healthy but I can’t get my...
A New Style of Medicine and Health Freedom
I'm about to enter my 19th year in practice as a Naturopathic Physician! Wow!It feels just like yesterday that I graduated med school!Over these years I have practiced in many ways - kind of flowing...
What labs do I need?
These last 2 & 1/2 years have been something, right?!Honestly, if you are one to deny that there are SIGNIFICANT changes in health being shown around the world right now you can stop reading now...
Diastasis Recti – What the heck is that?
I know I was gone for a month - sorry about that! Things have been a little busy so I wasn't able to send out a newsletter for the last 3 weeks! Oy! But I'm back!And I am super excited to share...
The Estrogen Dilemma (for Men too!)
I know I’ve talked about estrogen before – So then you know that sometimes it’s good and sometimes it’s bad. A few basics - First off there are THREE estrogens – estrone, estradiol and estriol with...
No More Time to Waste!
Heart to Heart time!It's summer - my personal favorite time of the year! BUT, this week I need y'all to understand that you need to get your butts in gear and prepare for another hit of viruses...
Seriously, More Viruses?
Well, seems like there's a "new virus" appearing already - "MONKEYPOX".A few months back I told you this would happen and this won't be the last time!For many of us doing daily research we don't...