Empowering You to Reclaim Your Health and Live the Full Life you Deserve!
Dr. Kelley’s Blog
Welcome to my blog!! We love that you have found your way here. Please enjoy the many useful resources and loads of great information presented in the posts below on a variety of topics such as Thyroid, Hormones, Stress, Diets, and much more! We will continually add to these posts so come back and visit often!
Antibiotics – All Part of the “Plan”?
The more I think about things these days the more and more I become skeptical about how modern medicine has been "designed" – almost like it’s on purpose - to make us dependent on Big pHARMa...
Meds, Meds and more Meds!
Let’s talk meds and pharmaceuticals! Ever notice that when you take one medication there is a HUGE list of side effects or adverse events possible? The commercials are ALMOST comical –...
Privacy, Freedom and Liberty Natural Wellness!
HAPPY 2023 Y’all! I’m gonna go out on a limb and predict that this year is gonna be a turning point – a good one! But I honestly think it’s up to us as individuals to make it great. Shouldn’t be...
A New Style of Medicine and Health Freedom
I'm about to enter my 19th year in practice as a Naturopathic Physician! Wow!It feels just like yesterday that I graduated med school!Over these years I have practiced in many ways - kind of flowing...
It’s All About Quality!
It's officially garden-planting time - YAY!I'm working diligently planting my starts, have my blueberry and blackberry bushes in full bloom, fruit trees planted and now we are getting chickens...
Fertility – Why So Many Challenges for Some?
I’ve always had a lot of pride in my ability to help women get pregnant 😊 BUT women often come to me last – meaning they’ve seen ever other specialist before they come to me. Disappointing...
Cholesterol – The Real Story
It’s interesting that no matter how “educated” and “informed” I find a client many still have a hang up about cholesterol levels – good or bad. I hear things like “I’m so healthy but I can’t get my...
Histamine, Gut Histamine or Both?
One of the most important markers I look at for my clients is the level of histamine in the gut. What IS histamine exactly? It’s a neuro-immune modulator, a chemical made by the immune system, to...
PMA Part 2
b thought I'd add some clarity to my last blog about transitioning my 19-year practice to the Private Membership Association (PMA), Liberty Natural Wellness. If you didn't see it you can read...
Red Meat for the Win!
Red Meat is vindicated!Hurray!!! Not that it ever stopped me from recommending or eating it because I always knew better but it's invigorating when we finally see the truth instead of propaganda! ...