Empowering You to Reclaim Your Health and Live the Full Life you Deserve!

Dr. Kelley’s Blog

Welcome to my blog!! We love that you have found your way here. Please enjoy the many useful resources and loads of great information presented in the posts below on a variety of topics such as Thyroid, Hormones, Stress, Diets, and much more! We will continually add to these posts so come back and visit often!

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is an unfortunately common hormonal imbalance disorder.  I see clients all the time with this diagnosis.  It can impact fertility if not addressed properly and...

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Hope for Spike Protein Breakdown

Hope for Spike Protein Breakdown

Yes, it’s time to update some information on the Covid Spike Protein. I bet you thought we were done talking about Covid?  Nope – it’s an unfortunate real factor in today’s health!  My practice has...

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The Skinny on Seed Oils

The Skinny on Seed Oils

You may have heard a lot of talk lately about seed oils and the danger they pose to your health.  Initially touted as “heart healthy” based on significantly flawed research, new research backed by...

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The Lowdown on Sweeteners

The Lowdown on Sweeteners

A question I get often is which sweeteners are safe these days. Most of y’all that know me or follow me are unlikely to use the 4 of worst “sweeteners” – aspartame, sucralose, acesulfame potassium...

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The Falsehood of HIGH Stomach Acid

The Falsehood of HIGH Stomach Acid

Maybe you have heartburn or GERD (gastro-esophageal reflux disease) and have been prescribed an acid-reducer like Protonix, Prilosec, Nexium, etc.  These are called Proton Pump Inhibitors or PPIs. ...

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How Healthy is Farting Really?

How Healthy is Farting Really?

Farting, Tooting, Passing Gas, Breaking wind – whatever you call it – obvious and excessive farting ain’t NORMAL! Yeah, I know, some of y’all are shaking your head saying Dr. Kelley can’t be right! ...

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Tired?  My Get-Up-And-Go is Gone!

Tired? My Get-Up-And-Go is Gone!

Hey there! One of the top concerns I hear about daily is fatigue.  It can be all consuming and suck the life out of a person!  Really affecting your quality of life! Fatigue usually makes people...

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Fact-Finding is Popular!

Fact-Finding is Popular!

Times they are a changin'!I've always taken great pride in helping my clients to the best of my ability and trying to be there when I'm needed (within reason).  But I must say these days things are...

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